So today I went to iFly Toronto to get some freefall training as it a little difficult to focus on your form to get it right when you have only 40 seconds to get into an arch, do your checks, practice pulls, altitude awareness, etc. With spending time in the tunnel, you can focus on solely your form and get it right properly without worrying about everything else. Sadly it also maybe my sport more expensive because I enjoyed the time in the tunnel as much and doing actual jumps did. I got there an hour early so I got to watch alot of people go before I did to get the flow of things. Once my friend arrived, things pretty much got rolling. Training was pretty quick because I had freefall experience already, just had to be shown how to move up and down and turn. It started off ok. It took the first 2 passes to get the hang of turning and forward and back so I stayed in the middle of the tunnel and to figure out what works for me. The 3rd pass I was pretty much flying, did my alti checks and figured out that my front arm wasn’t going out enough to balance out and I was twisting a bit. The 4th pass I was moving around and getting higher, was getting pretty comfortable and at the same time, my arms were beginning to tire out. The 5th pass they had me doing targets on the walls which I didn’t do that bad. Some were good, others were rough from bouncing off the glass from reaching out for them instead of just flying into them lightly. All and all it was an awesome time and a very good experience that will help in the long run. After watching the instructors doing stunts in the tunnel, it definitely got me into wanting to do it alot more often just to learn and its a pretty good workout too. I am pretty tired now and am definitely going to bed now. I would highly recommend it to anyone thinking of skydiving or just to do something cool, its pretty fun and addictive. Have a good night.