Next week is when I start exercising to get to shape for skydiving. I am hoping to lose 2-5 pounds a week til at my goal of 200 pounds to start but as long as I am 225 or less by next summer, I am good. This winter will also be time to take a stab at writing to decide if I am going to pursue it. I actually have a list of careers that I think I will enjoy and am currently trying them out to see which one I should go to school for:
– Musician (Singer, Songwriter, Guitarist) since I love music
– 3D Animation/CGI
– Novelist
– Film-maker/Film Writer
or any combination of those.
The writing is going long good in Creative Writing and that incorporates into all the types of writing. I am waiting for some income to purchase a guitar as my dad sold his before I became interested in it. The 3D animation depends on funds to go in another program once I done Programming. With Singing, I am just waiting for the opportunity to learn as my house isn’t soundproof whatsoever. And filming, I have a plan for a film but I am awaiting on a script I am writing to be finished enough to start with a trailer to get some sponsors for some things I can’t afford currently beyond what I already own.
And with the novel, its actually the same as the film. The story is actually my book but I am writing it in enough detail that I don’t have to modify it for the movie and I just have to write a script with actions and lines along with setting details for the film which can be done later as I want a detailed story for my book before I use it for a film. Any advice for any of these careers is welcome.